Certified PPE
PPE in Quebec
Quebec is Canada’s epicentre of manufacturing, electric power, mining, pulp, and paper. In fact, Quebec’s manufacturing sector represents 25 per cent of the Canadian total. Outside of manufacturing, forestry, agriculture, fisheries, and electrical energy are integral pieces that Quebec brings to the Canadian economy. Combine this with the fact that the median age of Quebec being higher than anywhere west of the Atlantic provinces and it becomes clear why PPE became a hot commodity in Quebec at the beginning of the shutdowns.

Due to the need for their industries, some of these businesses needed to reopen fast after the first wave of shutdowns. Thus, they needed protection and they needed it fast. Through our partnerships in Quebec, we’ve been able to help keep their economy going despite the hardships of countrywide shutdowns. As Canada’s most trustworthy PPE supplier with the largest selection of PPE equipment available for purchase – including gloves, masks, sanitizers, face shields and more – Certified PPE is here to help protect Quebec and all of Canada as we continue to navigate this pandemic.